“All things are a-flowing,' sage Heraclitus says, but a tawdry cheapness shall outlast all days.”
“Praise God (or whatever it is) from (if direction exists) whom (if personality exists) all blessings (if that word corresponds to any percept of objective reality) flow (if Heraclitus and Bergson and Einstein are correct in stating that everything is more or less flowing about).”
“You force all things to flow towards you and into you, so that they shall flow back again out of your fountain as the gifts of your love.”
“The root of things, what they were all afraid of saying, was that happiness is dirt cheap. You can have it for nothing. Beauty.”
“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.”
“And all shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be exceeding well.”