“The world is so overgrown that it can't lift its own fingers, and I was planning to be such an important finger-”
“I am so stupid, so easily fooled. It's really almost funny. If I could lift a finger I would gladly kill myself.”
“The weight of the world is a trifle, if we all put our two fingers under it and try to lift together.”
“Think of yourselves as a hand. Each of you is a finger, and without the others you're useless. Alone, a finger can't grasp, or control, or form a fist. You are nothing on your own, and everything together.”
“I have a plan." He groaned. "I was afraid of that.""My plans are not terrible.""Isabelle's plans are terrible." He pointed a finger at her. "Your plans are suicidal. At best.”
“Death like a lover, caressing him, promising him peace, running its fingers through his hair, its tongue in his ear. She put her own two fingers in her mouth. Im so sorry. And pulled the trigger”