“What people are ashamed of usually makes a good story.”
“Quiet people keep thier secrets to themselves. That's what makes them interesting...and usually worth the wait.”
“It's been my experience that people who make proclamations about themselves are usually the opposite of what they claim to be.”
“Family are the people who must make you feel ashamed when you are deserving of shame. ”
“There is no story that is not true, [...] The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others.”
“Why do you keep reading a book? Usually to find out what happens. Why do you give up and stop reading it? There may be lots of reasons. But often the answer is you don't care what happens. So what makes the difference between caring and not caring? The author's cruelty. And the reader's sympathy...it takes a mean author to write a good story.”