“Who would have believed that a Wushu Master of the tenth degree black sash could need such a release?”
“The southern whites would rather have had Negroes who stole, work for them than Negroes who knew, however dimly, the worth of their own humanity. Hence, whites placed a premium upon black deceit; they encouraged irresponsibility; and their rewards were bestowed upon us blacks in the degree that we could make them feel safe and superior.”
“A Turkish proverb says the one who speaks truth would be expelled from nine villages. This is true; but there always exist the tenth which embraces the truth! The tenth is the answer of the highness to the lowness!”
“My Master of Arts degree means nothing at all to these monkeys and I have come to share their indifference.”
“Well, no matter what, the woman had a master's degree, and a master knows what to do. (30)”
“I would only believe in a god who could dance.”