“It is not the degree of 'willing' or 'trying', but the way in which the energy is directed, that is going to make the 'willing' or 'trying' effective.”
In his teachings, F.M. Alexander emphasizes the importance of how one directs their energy rather than solely relying on sheer willpower. As he eloquently puts it, "It is not the degree of 'willing' or 'trying', but the way in which the energy is directed, that is going to make the 'willing' or 'trying' effective." This quote serves as a reminder that effectiveness is not just about effort, but also about the focus and intention behind that effort.
In this quote by F.M. Alexander, the focus is on the importance of how one directs their energy rather than simply the degree of willingness or effort put into a task. This suggests that the effectiveness of one's actions is not solely determined by how much they want something or how hard they try, but rather by the strategy and direction of their energy towards achieving the goal. This emphasizes the significance of intention and purpose in ensuring successful outcomes.
In today's fast-paced and competitive world, F.M. Alexander's quote holds true more than ever. It emphasizes the importance of not just putting in effort or trying hard, but also directing that energy effectively. This mindset is crucial in achieving success in any endeavor, whether it be in personal growth, career advancement, or overcoming challenges. By focusing on how we channel our energy and effort, we can maximize our outcomes and reach our goals more efficiently.
When considering the effectiveness of our efforts, it is important to reflect on how we are directing our energy. Here are some questions to guide your reflection:
“every man is free to rise as far as he's able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks determines the degree to which he'll rise.”
“I’m going, and don’t you dare try to stop me.”I ran through the door, willing myself to make it downstairs before I started to cry.”
“I'm willing to give it a try. Bite me.”
“All men and women are connected by an energy which we call love, but which is, in fact, the raw material from which the universe was built. This energy cannot be manipulated, it leads us gently forward, it contains all we have to learn in this life. If we try to make it go in the direction we want, we end up desperate, frustrated, disillusioned, because that energy is free and wild.”
“Who wills, Can.Who tries, Does.Who loves, Lives.”