“Stupid arguments and the desire to be right -- that's what drives people apart -- that or death.”
“I suspect gentlemen, that you're regarding me with pity; you keep repeating to me that an enlightened and cultured man -- such as, in short, as the man of the future will be -- cannot knowingly desire anything unprofitable for himself -- that that's mathematics. I agree totally that it really is mathematics. But I repeat to you for the hundredth time: there is only one case, only one, when a man can intentionally and consciously desire for himself even what is harmful and stupid, even what is extremely stupid: namely, in order to have the right to desire for himself even what is extremely stupid and not be constrained by the obligation to desire for himself only what is intelligent.”
“That's stupid.""That's people.”
“Sex can be estranging; it can drive two otherwise compatible people apart.”
“Hardships drive some people apart. Others, like us, grow even closer.”
“What is desire but the hard wire argument given to the mind's unstoppable mouth”