“They are ill discoverers that think there is no land when they can see nothing but sea.”
“When the sky is clear, when the sea is calm and the full moon is rising, whatever you are doing, leave it; go to the seaside; sit and watch it! You will then reach the land where there is no thinking; the land of pure wisdom!”
“To the discovered, the discoverer can be a god.”
“For the land, the sea is beautiful; for the sea, the land is beautiful!”
“When I go down by the sandy shoreI can think of nothing I want moreThan to live by the booming seaAs the seagulls flutter round about meI can run about--when the tide is outWith the wind and the sand and the sea all aboutAnd the seagulls are swirling and diving for fishOh-to live by the sea is my only wish.”
“Since when one has started dreaming, there were so many cries for help and so many bottles thrown into the sea, that it is amazing we still can see the sea when we should see only bottles.”