“It always seemed to me a bit pointless to disapprove of homosexuality. It's like disapproving of rain.”
“Holly: Seriously, you don't like unicorns? What kind person doesn't like unicorns?Justine: What kind of a person doesn't like zombies? What have zombies ever done to you?Holly: Zombies shamble. I disapprove of shambling. And they have bits that fall off. You never see a unicorn behaving that way.Justine: I shamble. Bits fall off me all the time: hair, skin cells. Are you saying you disapprove of me?”
“Simon would disapprove, in the way that people who lacked life experience always disapproved of others having adventures they had so far missed out on. ”
“The tragedy is that what you disapprove of in others is the very thing you disapprove of in yourself.”
“Though I no longer liked him or respected him, the thought of his disapproval frightened me.”
“It's the job of old people to disapprove of everything young people do. . .If we don't disapprove, then the young have nothing to fight against and the world will never change. It cannot move on.”