“You are not superior just because you see the world in an odious light.”
“What a night, I'm telling you. Odious. Odious with cherries on top.”
“Just because you are seeing divine light, experiencing waves of bliss, or conversing with Gods and Goddesses is no reason to not know your zip code.”
“Just at present you only see the tree by the light of the lamp. I wonder when you would ever see the lamp by the light of the tree.”
“Those who deal in magic learn to see the world in a slightly differnt light than everybody else.you gain a perspective you had considered before. A way of thinking that would never have occurred to you with out exposure to the things a wizard sees and hears.When you look in to some ones eyes you see them in that other light and for just a second they see you in the same way. ”
“Sometimes, there is a lot of darkness in this world. As I see it, you have two choices. You can be a part of that darkness or you can be the light. Be the light.”