“Friend, you are a divine mingle-mangle of guts and stardust. So hang in there! If doors opened for me, they can open for anyone.”
“You can leave a door open for your 'friends,' but the truth is anybody can come in through that open door. And how do you know these friends are who they say they are, anyway?”
“Sometimes God closes some doors; so, that you can create a door for you to open and pass through it. The only things you must have is confidence that you can create that door where you can defeat, and faith that God allow you to create the door; or, He will open a door that you will need. But, you must create the door first before God decides to open a door for you.”
“When you follow your bliss...doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else. ”
“With the right key you can bust the door wide open. Because nobody's going to open it for you.”
“Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything; it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through anyone that suits you.”