“Unlike some men, I had never drunk for boldness or charm or wit; I had used alcohol for precisely what it was, a depressant to check the mental exhilaration produced by extended sobriety.”
“Alcohol I once visited a supermarket that had a petition to allow it to sell alcohol. I signed the petition telling the check-out girl that clouds of alcohol molecules were the largest objects in the galaxy, some five billion times the mass of our sun, and that it was from such clouds that worlds and stars were formed.To which the check-out girl replied: "You're not from around here are you.”
“I was never educated on the topic of alcoholism. I had to go through it, to understand it”
“I went to some classes. Vampire was in the Hair of Magical Magic Creatures. He looked all depressed because Draco had disappeared and he had used to be in love with Draco. He was sucking some blood from a Hufflepuff.”
“Grosse plodders they were all, that had some learning and reading, but no wit to make use of it.”
“But the thought of moving on from something I never had is depressing.”