“Delicacy and dignity are taught by one's own heart, not by a dancing master.”
“A creditor is worst than a master; for a master owns only your physical presence, whereas a creditor owns your dignity and may affront it.”
“Reserve delicacy of sentiment for friendship; accept love for what it is.... The more dignity you give it, the more dangerous you make it.”
“Your masters at Oxford have taught you to idolize reason, drying up the prophetic capacities of your heart!”
“Respect was earned, not demanded, but dignity was taught by example.”
“If I could give you one key, and one key only to more abundant life, I would give you a sense of your own worth, an unshakeable sense of your own dignity as one grounded in the source of the cosmic dance, as one who plays a unique part in the unfolding of the story of the world…”