“The driver warned me: Be careful, scholar, they kill in that house. I replied: If it's for love it doesn't matter.”
“Whimsy doesn't care if you are the driver or the passenger; all that matters is that you are on your way.”
“He'd also warn me that even if I was in a position of strength, whether at work or in relationships, I had to play fair. "Just because you're in the driver's seat," he'd say, "doesn't mean you have to run people over.”
“Never make a decesion until you have to". He'd also warn me that even if I was in a position of strenght, whether at work or in a relationship, I had to play fair. "Just because you're in the driver's seat, doesn't mean you have to run people over.”
“It's like a razor blade edging its way through my organs, shredding me, all I can think is: It will kill me, it will kill me, it will kill me. And I don't care.”
“I'd like the kind of love that lasts forever.It doesn't matter if it's plain,it doesn't matter if it's ugly.It just has to be there.”