“True love is boundless like the ocean and, swelling within one, spreads itself out and, crossing all boundaries and frontiers, envelops the whole world.”
“Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.”
“True power comes from true love. Only destruction and torment can come from hatred. I release the pain within through constructive and artistic formats. Never will I endure the feeling of hatred and let it out upon the world again. For within true consciousness I am whole and one with the universe.”
“The whole world is, to me, very much "alive" - all the little growing things, even the rocks. I can't look at a swell bit of grass and earth, for instance, without feeling the essential life - the things going on - within them. The same goes for a mountain, or a bit of the ocean, or a magnificent piece of old wood.”
“In the Twentieth Century war will be dead, the scaffold will be dead, hatred will be dead, frontier boundaries will be dead, dogmas will be dead; man will live. He will possess something higher than all these-a great country, the whole earth, and a great hope, the whole heaven.”
“Thoughts and feelings change sometimes, as one crosses the frontiers.”