“How is it possible that a boyfriend ceases to exist from one day to another?”
“How could a person have and do all these stupid things--clip coupons and double lock the front door--and then one day just cease to exist?”
“If we one day cease to exist, what will be remarkable is that we were ever here at all.”
“How was it possible to wake up every day and be recognizable to another when so often one was barely recognizable to oneself?”
“He knew that all things human are transitory and therefore that it must cease one day or another. He looked forward to that day with eager longing. Love was like a parasite in his heart, nourishing a hateful existence on his life's blood; it absorbed his existence so intensely that he could take pleasure in nothing else.”
“In this world, man is a target of death, an easy prey to calamities. Here,(in this world)every morsel and every draught is liable to choke one. Here, one never recieves a favor unless he loses another. Here, every additional day in one's life is a day reduced from the total span of his existance. When death is the natural outcome of life, how can one expect immortality?”