“My stomach lurched, an appetizer before the full portion of heartache I had a feeling was going to be served at some point soon.”
“My stomach rumbled. Like certain other portions of my anatomy, it had a tendency to become easily sidetracked, and to hell with little details like survival.”
“Did you love well what you very soon left? Come home and take me in your arms and take away this stomach ache, headache, heartache.”
“It gave me a queer feeling. Yesterday or the day before, while I had been going about my business, quietly and in private, some unknown person ― some stranger ― had gone to the trouble of marking my name on this envelope.”
“Aren't you hungry?" he asked, distracted."No." I didn't feel like mentioning that my stomach was already full - of butterflies.”
“The alien in my uncle hand obviously taken full control. Soon, it would claw its way out of his stomach and tap dance across my bed”