“Then I smell the sweat on him, a clean musky scent that I'd bottle and wear as perfume if I could. ”
“The only thing I have left to remember her by is the scent of her perfume. I just broke into her car and stole the bottle.”
“ Chase leaned in close. "hey" What?Are you wearing perfume? No... why would I be wearing perfume?... You sure you're not wearing anything? It smells like jasmine. Must be the bushes”
“I stepped out to the lawn. I remember the air that night, and how it was so brisk that it could revive the dead. The fragrance of eucalyptus stoking a home fire, the smell of wet grass, of dung fuel, of tobacco, of swamp air, and the perfume of hundreds of roses--this was the scent of Missing. No, it was the scent of a continent.”
“How can you smell this good after the kind of crappy day we've had?" "I sweat perfume. Like all girls.”
“The scent of book leather and lemons enveloped him, and his head went light. Books and clean woman. Had God ever divined a more perfect perfume?”