“Where is he?” she demanded, though she wasn’t too worried about the answer. Paris and Zacharel were friends despite their differences, and Wrath had yet to make a peep.“I took him to the castle and dropped him on the bridge.”Reevaluation time. Paris and Zacharel were not friends on any level. Wrath, on the other hand, must think angels could do no wrong. “Why would you do that?” Sure, Paris would be carried inside and locked up. Sure, he would escape, and he would be fine. But none of that mattered to her just then. Fury rose, dark and hot and dangerous.Calm down. Before she whipped out that crystal blade Paris had given her and went to town on angel flesh. She’d so had enough of males and their abuse of supernatural abilities. Zacharel blinked as if the answer should be obvious to one and all. “That, as you called it, is what one male does to another when they are arguing.”“No. No, it’s not.”His lips edged down in the slightest of frowns. “That is what your Paris did to William of the Dark only this morn.”Well, she had no comeback for that, did she?”

Gena Showalter

Gena Showalter - “Where is he?” she demanded, though she...” 1

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