“William: What are you looking for in a woman?Reyes: I’ve found my angel, Danika. She’s all I need.William: Really? That’s, like, weird to me. Men should need many girls. No one girl should be so important.Reyes: How sad for you.William: I’m not sad. You’re sad!Reyes: Why are you so defensive about this?William: Let’s move on. Favorite outfit?Reyes: First, you said girls rather than women. Why is that, I wonder? Because you care about one girl in particular? Anyway, clothes are clothes. I don’t have any favorites.William: Go to hell. I care about no one and I’m proud to admit that! Favorite moment in the series so far?Reyes: The first time Danika looked at me with trust and acceptance in her eyes. I’m still reeling.William: And just so you know, girl was a slip of the tongue. Now. Least favorite moment in the series?Reyes: Every time I had to kill Maddox. William: Really? That would have been my favorite. Anyway, hobbies?Reyes: Do you really have to ask? Yes? Fine. Cutting myself. I’ve started to draw shapes. Like hearts. William: You actually admitted that aloud. [snicker][..]Reyes: Happy for the first time in what seems an eternity.William: Not that you deserve it. Really, I didn’t say girl for any particular reason. So what do you think of the fact that your home has been invaded by women?Reyes: As long as I have Danika, I don’t care who lives with us. William: Who do you think is the smartest Lord?Reyes: Me. Look who I picked to spend eternity with.William: I think you’re the dumbest! Seriously, girl was meant to encompass everyone old enough to be bedded by me. Now, if you knew you only had twenty-four hours before the Hunters found Pandora’s box and killed you, what would you do in the time you had left to live?Reyes: Not even death can keep me away from my angel. I would find a way to change such a fate. Again. William: What kind of underwear are you wearing?Note from William: Bastard flipped me off and left.Final thoughts from William: Reyes’s thoughts about me and my slip of the tongue were ridiculous and unfounded!”

Gena Showalter

Gena Showalter - “William: What are you looking for in a...” 1

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