“Is that what you think of me? That I care about some stupid fantasy more than I care about you? The dream can change, Bethie. As long as you're in it--- that's all that matters.”
“The concept of the benevolent dictator, just like the concepts of the noble thief or the honest whore, is no more than a meaningless fantasy.”
“I cared about dogs because they were faithful and honest, and some dogs were cleverer and more interesting than some people.”
“For the first six months, all whe wanted was honest labor, finely crafted novels, and surf.”
“There are two novels that can transform a bookish 14-year-kid’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish daydream that can lead to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood in which large chunks of the day are spent inventing ways to make real life more like a fantasy novel. The other is a book about orcs.”