“For an instant she hesitated. Baldanders said, 'You may trust him. The doctor has his own way of looking at the world, but he lies less than people believe.”
“Would you trust him with your life, Halt?" Gilan interrupted, and Halt looked up at him."Yes," he said quietly. Gilan patted his shoulder once more."Then trust him with his own," he said simply.”
“You know,' he said as they made their way down the hall, 'I appreciate the support, Scully, but I don't need defending. Not really.'She looked up at him and sighed. 'Oh yes you do, Mulder.'He looked back blankly.'Trust me,' she said, patting his arm. 'On this one you'll have to trust me.”
“Go and see whether the Doctor is about,’ said Jack, ‘and if he is, ask him to look in, when he has a moment.’Which he is in the fish-market, turning over some old-fashioned lobsters. No. I tell a lie. That is him, falling down the companion-way and cursing in foreign.”
“According to the Buddha's teaching the beginning of the life-stream of living beings is unthinkable. THe believer in the creation of life by God may be astonished at this reply. But if you were to ask him 'What is the beginning of God?' he would answer without hesitation 'God has no beginning', and he is not astonished at his own reply.”
“One minute. You know nothing about him. He probably has his own joys and interests- wife, children, snug little home. That's where we practical fellows'- he smiled-'are more tolerant than you intellectuals. We live and let live, and assume that things are jogging on fairly well elsewhere, and that the ordinary plain man may be trusted to look after his own affairs.”