“As for astronomy, the Greeks did not accept their own or any of the original mythologies with which they came in contact. The refusal to accept mythological explanations for natural phenomena forced the Greeks to disregard the primary evidence of their senses, that is, the evidence of mere appearances. They reasoned their way out of the dead end imposed by the impression that up and down were directional absolutes and therefore the earth was the centre of the universe. By the middle of the fourth century BC (355) the earth and the other visible planets were recognised to be in orbital as well as other movement and the sun the fixed centre of the heavens. A gigantic first step in the direction of the Copernican system had been made. In the cosmology of Philolaos (which is the first recorded pre-Copernican version) there are a number of 'Mack Sennett' aspects, such as the assertion that all forms of life on the moon were fifteen times larger than those on the earth. This was because the author had determined the 'moonday' to be fifteen times as long as our day (that is, half a month).”

George Bailey

George Bailey - “As for astronomy, the Greeks did not...” 1

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