“I went through the usual stages: imp, rascal, scalawag, whippersnapper. And, of course, after that it's just a small step to full-blown sociopath.”
“Or maybe they were just doing it for fun. A lark. Their religion is tolerant of extreme forms of recreation. Boys will be boys, after all, and sociopathic boys will be sociopathic.”
“Growing up, I went through an awkward stage. It lasted from birth to last Tuesday.”
“I think it would be funny if you died of full blown AIDS. then I can take a crap on your grave after they bury you.”
“I felt suddenly cruel, like I'd told small children there was no tooth fairy, that it was just their Mom sneaking into their room after they went to bed.”
“Just as all writers were beginners once, so were all novels. They all went through rough stages, even the ones by our most hallowed masters.”