“Many feelings are simply too good to last--using the phrase not in the unbelieving sense in which it is generally used, but to express the fact that intensity and endurance cannot coexist in the human frame. But the virtue of a mood depends by no means on its immediate presence. Like any other experience, it may be believed in, and, in its absence, which leaves the mind free to contemplate it, works even more good than its presence”
“You will be burning alive, when the ones who meant the world to you leaves for no reasons..... In fact, its not their absence which is hurting, but its the memories of their presence which is tearing your heart apart.....”
“This is Tehran for me: its absences were more real than its presences”
“Many people believe that evil is the presence of something. I think it's the absence of something.”
“Culture primarily witnesses the absence of meaning, not it's presence.”
“Goodness preaches constantly, wants to change humanity, to work miracles from one day to the next, makes a show of its substance, wants to question essentials, but in fact is most often just hollow, lacking in substance, essence itself. A good word which has not yet been put into practice holds within itself every virgin possibility and is more than a good deed, the outcome of which is dubious, its effect arguable. In general words are always more than deeds.”