“What can you do, thought Winston, against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?”
“Always try to associate yourself with and learn as much as you can from those who know more than you do, who do better than you, who see more clearly than you.”
“Don’t simply settle for what your parents had. You can go further than that. You can do more, have more, be more.”
“you are not an athlete because of what you can do, but because of who you are: a team player, someone who never quits, who strives to be his personal best, and who believes in fair play.”
“Far more important than your actual ability is what those who follow you believe you can do.”
“A truly intelligent person is not one who can simply spout wordsand numbers; it is someone who can react ‘intelligently’ to all theopportunities, simulations and problems provided by the environment.Real intelligence means engaging your brain with every aspect of life –you play sport with you brain; you relate to others brain-to-brain;”