“He was beastly tired, but it was hard to stop. One more book, he had told himself, then I'll stop. One more folio, just one more. One more page, then I'll go up and rest and get a bite to eat. But there was always another page after that one, and another after that, and another book waiting underneath the pile. I'll just take a quick peek to see what this one is about, he'd think, and before he knew he would be halfway through it.”
“No, I'll dream another dream," he said. "I've made up so many things, now I'll just go into one. I'll be part of it.”
“Beauty said there was something more than just one fucking thing after another. Time could rest for a moment, stop all that senseless motion.”
“I’ve always felt that love is like Belgian chocolate, you know, the ones with brandy filling. You always say you’re going to take one more bite, one more chocolate, and then, the whole box is gone. Perhaps the morning after, you might even get indigestion or a headache, and still, that evening, you might stop by the supermarket and buy another box because you simply can’t get enough.”
“He knew what he'd see; one more slack face, one more pair of eyes that had barely learned to read, one more soul that had stared into itself too long.”
“I asked my publisher what would happen if he sold all the copies of my book he'd printed. He said "I'll just print another ten.”