“I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5-lb. perch in my lake. (Answering a reporter who asked him to name the best moment of his Presidency.)”
“Best place to be?" Adrienne asks after a moment. On the other side of this wall. In my bed, at home. Anywhere with Nathaniel. "Before," I answer, because I know she'll understand.”
“My best moment? I have a lot of good moments but the one I prefer is when I kicked the hooligan”
“He who is best prepared can best serve his moment of inspiration.”
“Art doesn't go to sleep in the bed made for it. It would sooner run away than say its own name: what it likes is to be incognito. Its best moments are when it forgets what its own name is.”
“If asked to name the worst moment of his life, Michael Fisher wouldn't have hesitated to give his answer: it was when the lights went out.”