“You are shameless!” he said angrily.“Nonsense! You only say so because I drove your horses,” she answered. “Never mind! I will engage not to do so again.”“I’ll take care of that!” he retorted. “Let me tell you, my dear Cousin, that I should be better pleased if you would refrain from meddling in the affairs of my family!”“Now, that,” said Sophy, “I am very glad to know, because if ever I should desire to please you I shall know just how to set about it. I daresay I shan’t, but one likes to be prepared for any event, however unlikely.”He turned his head to look at her, his eyes narrowed, and their expression was by no means pleasant. “Are you thinking of being so unwise as to cross swords with me?” he demanded. “I shan’t pretend to misunderstand you, Cousin, and I will leave you in no doubt of my own meaning! If you imagine that I will ever permit that puppy to marry my sister, you have yet something to learn of me!”“Pooh!” said Sophy. “Mind your horses, Charles, and don’t talk fustian to me.”

Georgette Heyer

Georgette Heyer - “You are shameless!” he said...” 1

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