“PREFACE PROBLEM: Nobody reads prefaces.SOLUTION: Call the preface Chapter 1.NEW PROBLEM CREATED BY SOLUTION: Chapter 1 is boring.RESOLUTION: Throw away Chapter 1 and call Chapter 2 Chapter 1.”
“Prejudice in this country is like chapters in a book. Chapter One: Hating the Africans and Indians. Chapter Two: Don't forget the Irish. Chapter Three: Polish jokes."..... "Hispanics? Latinos? Whatever you call us? Maybe we're Chapter Fifteen or Sixteen on the East Coast, but we're the preface in the West.”
“But I like my madness. There is a thrill in it unknown to such sanity as yours. ~ Book 1, Chapter 9,”
“...but I guess it's better for people to shut up rather than rather than say something nasty. -ONE NIGHT @ THE CALL CENTER Chapter 1 page 22”
“How many bible stories start out with Watcha? Huh? I guarantee not many.-Chapter 1 of A Harbinger's Tale”
“Yeah! Sometimes it's best for friends to argue like that so they get it out of their sytems! That way, it doesn't happen again!! (End of the World- A Digimon Legend Book 1 Chapter 2)”