“The amusements of life, he argued, should be accepted with the same philosophy as its ills. ("The Striding Place")”
“Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that all others are jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself.”
“Unk had no way of judging the quality of the information contained in the letter. He accepted it all hungrily, uncritically. And, in accepting it, Unk gained an understanding of life that was identical with the writer's understanding of life. Unk wolfed down a philosophy.”
“With the possible exception of the higher reaches of pure mathematics or theoretical physics, one can scarcely imagine anything more inhuman than philosophy. Its worship of logic in all its cold, crystalline purity; its determination to stride the bleak and icy mountaintops of theory and abstraction: to be a philosopher is to be existentially deracinated. Philosophers should be offered condolences rather than encouragement.”
“Funerals and weddings often take place in the same location. Some would also argue that they sometimes happen at the same time too.”
“It is in every ones best interest to Deny philosophy then to Accept the Interpretations of life" Alexa Pabon.”