“A tip for increased sales or in situations of life or death: Try to always refer to the lady as Miss. or Ms. Using the term: Ma'am could piss her off. ”
“which pisses her off and makes her scream and i look around my room and miss me.”
“We were playing this music and we were trying to be the heaviest thing on the face of the planet. We wanted just to piss people off and send everybody home. and that can't be, like, flower metal." - Possessed's Jeff Beccera on coining the term 'death metal”
“Some things in life are certain; death, taxes, and that your family will piss you off.”
“No life can be compared to another Life unless both refer to Death! Even if a Life is different from another Life, it exists, as Life, only by referring to Death, because all other Lives it would refer to finally lead to the last referent which is a Life having as reference: Death! This is why I said the all the shine of Life consists of Death, as the shine of Death consists of Life.”
“Cal stepped forward, hopefully to come to my rescue. "I could toss her off the pier, Ms. Vanderlyden."Or not.”