“But I was frightfully fond of the universe and wanted to address it by a diminutive. I often did so; and it never seemed to mind.”
“So many things I had thought forgottenReturn to my mind with stranger pain:Like letters that arrive addressed to someoneWho left the house so many years ago.from “Why Did I Dream of You Last Night?,”
“The longer and farther I ran, the more I realized that what I was often chasing was a state of mind--a place where worries that seemed monumental melted away, where the beauty and timelessness of the universe, of the present moment, came into sharp focus.”
“Often, on the brink of finding the recipe for immortality, I get distracted by the frightful presence of death.”
“As for the end of the universe…I say let it come as it will, in ice, fire, or darkness. What did the universe ever do for me that I should mind its welfare?”
“Often, when I pray, I wonder if I'm not posting letters to a non-existent address.”