“In the fairy tale, an incomprehensible happiness rests upon an incomprehensible condition. A box is opened and all evils fly out. A word is forgotten and cities perish. A lamp is lit and love flies away. An apple is eaten and the hope of God is gone.”
“...they ate the apple, and knew good and evil, and became 'as gods.' And they still go on eating it. But little children have not eaten anything and are not yet guilty of anything...If they, too, suffer terribly on earth, it is, of course, for their fathers; they are punished for their fathers who ate the apple--but that is reasoning from another world; for the human heart here on earth it is incomprehensible.”
“Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day.”
“Who says happy endings are only in fairy tales? Pray, believe and wait patiently on God and He will make a fairy tale out of you”
“The middle son gets a magic donkey. When you shout the word: "Bricklebrit!", it spews gold pieces out of...And I quote:... its front and back.Yes, folks. Thing I Love #4: the Bricklebrit Donkey. You shout a word, and gold comes flying out its butt. Fairy tales don't get much better than that.”
“We sinned for no reason but an incomprehensible lack of love, and He saved us for no reason but an incomprehensible excess of love.”