“Those might not be the very best judges of the relation of religion to happiness who, by their own account, had neither one nor the other.”
“We judge people by our own standards of happiness … What makes you happy might not make that woman over there happy. But human beings have a terrible habit of thinking they know what’s best for each other. ”
“The main things which seem to me important on their own account, and not merely as means to other things, are knowledge, art, instinctive happiness, and relations of friendship or affection.”
“You must be the best judge of your own happiness.”
“those who judge must take all aspects of an individual's personality into account.”
“I want to be the very best competitor I can be. The Bible says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom" (Ecclesiastes 9:10).”