“Sparky Anderson wasn’t just my favorite manager … he was my mom’s favorite manager.”
“Know your enemy — and learn about his favorite sport.”
“My favorite thing isn’t being the favorite to win—it’s being the underdog.”
“My favorite six letter word isalwaysbecause it promisesso much.My favorite five letter word isneverbecause it insists on contradictingthe promise.My favorite four letter word isoncebecause it says ithappened then. My favorite three letter word isyesbecause I’m just now learningto say itto my heart. My favorite two letter word isifbecause it makesall things possiblelike this: If not alwaysIf not neverThen once. Yes.”
“That was my favorite dagger."She had a favorite dagger? Seriously? And she thought that I was a freak.”