“Global warming doesn't care what's in your bank account."-Sinead Starling”
“You'll be boarding the nine twenty-one commercial flight as Shirley and Roderick Cliphorn.""Roderick Cliphorn?" Dan groaned. Only someone with a name like Sinead Starling would have considered that normal.”
“You should be concerned about the state of your soul, not the state of your bank account.”
“You should not measure your worth by how much money you have in your bank account”
“Scott goes to the computer and loads a chart that says something about global warming. Scott says, "See?" Judy says, "I don't think global warming is important, people shouldn't need to use global warming as an excuse to stop being wasteful." Scott says, "How can you not believe this?" Judy says, "There has been golf ball-sized hail storms and hurricanes for a long time, it didn't just start all of the sudden. In the movie Al Gore drives in an SUV." Scott leaves to have a cigarette. Cory says, "Al Gore owns his own farm." Judy stares at the TV. Judy thinks, "No one in this room cares about global warming, this is ridiculous, we are all smoking cigarettes and eating cheese, how can any one of us care about voting? No one in this room cares about anything.”
“...trying to predict whether global warming will moderate the next ice age is not only impossible but irrelevant. It doesn't help us get through the next few centuries. And one can only imagine our future, shivering, ice age descendants cursing us for leaving them no fossil fuel to create a global warming "greenhouse" effect when one is really needed.”