“There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise.”
“There are many problems which could only be solved by generations which are still to be born later. It's only one way of many how God gives answers to human problems and prayers.”
“One of the terrible fallacies of contemporary psychotherapy is that if people would just say how they felt, a lot of problems could be solved. ”
“Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems”
“... a practical problem can only be solved by action itself. When your practical problem is how to earn a living, a book on how to make friends and influence people cannot solve it, though it may suggest things to do. Nothing short of the doing solves the problem. It is solved only by earning a living.”
“The slogans “hang on” and “press on” have solved and will continue to solve the problems of humanity.”