“Matsuda-kun: Wow... Your father died on duty and you see his memento as an amulet...Satou-san: Hey, give it back! You want to tell me to forget it so I can move on, right?Matsuda-kun: No... You don't need to forget everything...Satou-san: Eh?Matsuda-kun: Wherher you can move on or not is totally up to you. If you forget your father her could... really die, right?”
“Maybe I should call Aaya!(Shigure)If you call him...(Yuki)I'll make you eat that phone.(Kyou)-Shigure-san,Yuki-san, Kyou-kun Shoma”
“I'm home! Yuki-Kun, Tohru-Kun, I'm home! Oh, and let's not forget Stupid-clumsy-Kyo-Kun-who-lost-yet-another-fight!" -Shigure”
“There is something you can do. You can smile. Sakura-chan, your smile is like food to a starving man for Syaoran-kun.”
“Listen to me, kid. Don't forget that you are in a concentration camp. In this place, it is every many for himself, and you cannot think of others. Not even you father. In this place, there is no such thing as father, brother, friend. Each of us lives and dies alone. Let me give you good advice: stop giving your ration of bread and soup to your old father. You cannot help him anymore. And you are hurting yourself. In fact, you should be getting his rations...”
“Shirogane: "This is a brand-new show called 'Naze? Naze? Neeze!' " I'm Shirogane, the teacher of course.♥" " We're covering Arithmethic!" "Here we have Akira-kun and Kengo-kun, who will tackle the questions with us!"Kengo: "Hello there!" ^_^Akira: "I'm a high school student, by the way!" "Why do I have to do arithmethic?!"Shirogane: "And here's my assistant, kokuchi!"Kokuchi: "HISS!"Akira: "HEY! I don't get why a kokuchi is here...Besides, does it even remotely understand our language."Shirogane:"Here's the first question" "Akira-kun, what's three times four?"Akira: "Twelve..."Shirogane: "CORRECT!!!" "Wonderful Akira-kun! Fantastic Job!" "You're so smart. Can I call you genius from now on?"Akira: "Only if you want a pencil shoved in your eye!" "Stop making fun of me right now!"Shirogane: "Let's move on to the next question.♥(Shirogane spinning)Akira: "Why are you so hyper today?" "You're acting like a different person!"Shirogane: "Kengo-kun what is 23 minus 15?"Kengo: "Twe--"Shirogane: "WRONG." " If you can't solve a simple problem like this, you don't even deserve to be considered human. You'd be better off dead. SO JUST DIE."Kengo: "I made a small mistake! No need to walk all over me like that!!"Shirogane: "Let me explain this problem so that stupid Kengo-kun can understand."Kengo: "I...I am not stupid!"Shirogane: "First, you have 23 kokuchi..." "...You take 15 from the 23..." "...AND KILL THEM" (Shirogane killing the Kokuchi)Kengo: "OMG, Akira! Can you stop him?!"Akira: "Well...Why should I? I don't really care...I'm tired."Kengo: "AKIRA!!"(Shirogane covered in Kokuchi blood)Shirogane: Now then! How many kokuchi do we have left now, Kengo-kun."(Kokuchi shivers)Kengo: "SO GROSS! EI--EIGHT! THE ANSWER IS EIGHT!"Shirogane: "Yes you are correct! Well, the dumb boy finally understood the problem, and it's time for us to say goodbye!" "Take care and see you next week!"(Akira sleeping)Kengo: Not likely..."Shirogane: "GOODBYE!”