“Life is a thump-ripe melon...it's so sweet and such a mess...”
“ Whether the melon falls on the knife or the knife falls on the melon, it's the melon that suffers." And so it would appear to me”
“Expel the object!" Freak shouts. "Regurgitate, you big moron!" and he gives me another thump and I cough up this yucky mess, but I'm still laughing so hard my nose is running.”
“Fresh, sweet honeysuckle. Ripe and rich and ready to be fucked—PLUCKED, he corrected himself, ready to be plucked.”
“Cucumbers are technically a fruit and in the same family as pumpkins, melons and squash, so it may benefit those markets, although, to be honest, giant melons don't strike me as potentially that commercial.”