“Part of being a Jedi is setting an example."-Corran Horn to Anakin Solo”
“I don't know what I'll be in the future, Anakin, but I know you'll be a great Jedi Knight."- Jacen Solo”
“I am a Jedi again"-Anakin”
“Easy isn't for Jedi. Of course, trying to find your own path is much more difficult. Maybe what you have to do is walk a bit on the other paths and see how you can waeve bits and pieces of them together."- Anakin Solo”
“Out of the firefight, into the carbon freeze." -Anakin Solo”
“Even being a Jedi is something where you look for more. At first you acted as if Jedi was synonymous with hero. It isn't. Being a hero isn't what all these folks are here to do. They're here to do their jobs."-Jaina Solo”