“Every disciple is a believer, but not every believer is necessarily a disciple. Anything short of discipleship, however, is settling for less than what God really desires for us.Loving God more than anyone or anything else is the very foundation of being a disciple. If you want to live your Christian life to its fullest, then love Jesus more than anyone or anything else.Either you will have harmony with God and friction with people, or you will have harmony with people and friction with God.You become a disciple in the biblical sense only when you are totally and completely committed to Jesus Christ and His Word.As a true disciple, your life won’t only be characterized by practical results and a hunger for Scripture, but you also will have love for others — especially fellow believers. Without all of these characteristics, you can’t really claim to be His disciple.A person who has been with Jesus will boldly share his or her faith.A person who has been with Jesus will be a person of prayer.A person who has been with Jesus will be persecuted.If for you, the Christian life is all about feeling good and having everything go your way, then you won’t like being a disciple. Being a follower of Christ is the most joyful and exciting life there is. But it also can be the most challenging life there is. It’s a life lived out under the command of someone other than yourself.Most prayers are not answered because they are outside the will of God. Once we have discovered God’s will, we can then pray aggressively and confidently for it. We can pray, believing it will happen, because we know it is not something we have dreamed.A forgiven person will be a forgiving person. A true disciple will harbor no grudge toward another. The disciple knows it will hinder his or her prayer life and walk with God.It is far better to sit down for an hour and talk genuinely with one person than to rattle off trite clichés to scores of people.Attending more Bible studies, more prayer meetings, reading more Christian books, and listening to more teaching without an outlet for the truth will cause us to spiritually decay. We need to take what God has given us and use it constructively in the lives of others.You were placed on earth to know God. Everything else is secondary.The more we know God, the more we should want to make Him known to a lost world.Your life belongs to God. You don’t share your time and talents with Him; He shares them with you! He owns you and everything about you. You need to recognize and acknowledge that fact.”

Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie - “Every disciple is a believer, but not...” 1

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