“Wrangling about precisely what constitutes genuine philosophy, proper philosophical practice, method, and aims is an important part of modern philosophy’s content and heritage”
“The discovery of what is true and the practice of that which is good are the two most important aims of philosophy.”
“The modern mind is hard to please; and it generally calls the way of Godfrey ferocious and the way of Francis fanatical. That is, it calls any moral method unpractical, when it has just called any practical method immoral.”
“(the modern writer’s aim is) general revelation by suggestion (and) making a very tiny part do for a whole.”
“For mysticism proper - as distinguished from philosophical theory or vague feeling or literary pleasure - is a practical thing, something more than a doctrine, a life.”
“But are there philosophical problems? The present position of English philosophy - my point of departure - originates, I believe, in the late Professor Ludwig Wittgenstein's doctrine that there are none; that all genuine problems are scientific problems; that the alleged propositions or theories of philosophy are pseudo-propositions or pseudo-theories; that they are not false (if they were false, their negations would be true propositions or theories) but strictly meaningless combinations of words, no more meaningful than the incoherent babbling of a child who has not yet learned to speak properly.”