“The devil is a very big angel, but a very little man.”
“There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude.”
“I very little, you cheat big!– Short Round”
“Treat me like an angel and I'll be your little devil.”
“But you see, I am in a similar situation. I do not control the little devil sitting on my left shoulder. The devil is saying, "PRINT THE PICTURE PRINT THE PICTURE TAPE IT UP ALL OVER SCHOOL DO IT DO IT DO IT." And then on my right shoulder, there is a little tiny white angel. And the angel is saying, "Man, I sure as **** hope all those freshmen get their money bright and early on Monday morning."So do I, little angel. So do I.”
“O miserable man, what a deformed monster has sin made you! God made you "little lower than the angels"; sin has made you little better than the devils” ”