“The Man of Power is one who presides—By persuasion. He uses no demeaning words or behavior, does not manipulate others, appeals to the best in everyone, and respects the dignity andagency of all humankind—men, women, boys, and girls.By long-suffering. He waits when necessary and listens to the humblest or youngest person. He is tolerant of the ideas of others and avoids quick judgments and anger. By gentleness. He uses a smile more often than a frown. He is not gruff or loud or frightening; he does not discipline in anger.By meekness. He is not puffed up, does not dominate conversations, and is willing to conform his will to the will of God.By love unfeigned. He does not pretend. He is sincere, giving honest love without reservation even when others are unlovable.By kindness. He practices courtesy and thoughtfulness in little things as well as in the more obvious things. By pure knowledge. He avoids half-truths and seeks to be empathetic. Without hypocrisy. He practices the principles he teaches. He knows he is not always right and is willing to admit his mistakes and say ‘I’m sorry.'Without guile. He is not sly or crafty in his dealings with others, but is honest and authentic when describing his feelings.”

H. Burke Peterson

H. Burke Peterson - “The Man of Power is one who...” 1

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