“The way is full of perils and the goal far out of sight.There is no road to which there is no end, do not despair.”
In today's fast-paced and unpredictable world, the words of Hafez still hold true. The journey towards achieving our goals is often filled with obstacles and challenges, but it is important to remember that every road eventually leads to an end. This quote serves as a reminder to persevere in the face of adversity and to never lose hope, regardless of how difficult the path may seem.
The quote by Hafez urges individuals to persist in the face of challenges and uncertainties. It serves as a reminder that the journey may be difficult and the destination may seem distant, but with determination and resilience, one can continue on the path without losing hope. The message conveys the idea that obstacles are a natural part of any journey, but giving up is not the solution. Instead, it encourages perseverance and faith in the eventual success that lies ahead.
"The way is full of perils and the goal far out of sight. There is no road to which there is no end, do not despair." - Hafez
This quote reminds us to stay strong in the face of challenges and to keep moving forward, even when the end goal seems far away.
Reflecting on this quote from Hafez, we are reminded of the challenges and obstacles we may face on our journey towards our goals. These questions can help us contemplate the meaning behind these words and how it may relate to our own experiences:
What are some of the perils or obstacles you have faced on your journey towards your goals? How have you overcome them?
How do you stay motivated and focused on the end goal, even when it seems far out of sight or unattainable?
In what ways can we find comfort and encouragement in the idea that every road eventually leads to an end, even if it may be difficult to see at times?
How can the words of Hafez inspire you to keep pushing forward, even in the face of setbacks and challenges?
What strategies or mindset shifts can help you maintain a sense of hope and resilience on your path, knowing that despair is not the answer?
“When the wind is right and the cloud is gone, you can see down this road as far as Darjeeling," I told her. "But it is a long and difficult road, full of perils, and if a traveller on foot were to look at the length of it, his spirit would be overcome and he would sit down and refuse to go any further. You must not look to the end of the road, Portia. Look only to the step in front of you. That you can do. Just one step. And you will not make the journey alone.”
“The journey from the head to the hand is perilous and lined with bodies. It is the road on which nearly everyone who wants to write—and many of the people who do write—get lost.”
“If you're approaching Him not as the goal but as a road, not as the end but as a means, you're not really approaching Him at all.”
“Goals incapable of attainment have driven many a man to despair, but despair is easier to get to than that -- one need merely look out of the window, for example.”
“Love is both wondrous and yet full of peril. Love is a gateway through which hatred - disguised and unrecognized - can pass.”