“That which does not kill us makes us stronger," Jesse deadpans."Exactly. Exactly."Self-improvement through adversity... it isn't bullshit. Exhibit A: my little brother. I can see every muscle in his stomach and shoulders.”
“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
“You find yourself through adversity.... The things that hurt us most today make us stronger tomorrow.”
“Only God Can Judge MeThat which does not kill me can only make me stronger. I don't see why everybody feel as though that they gotta tell me how to live my life ”
“We can't all be investigating non-coding DNA," I said, feeling an upsurge of gastric acid. "Some of us have to sell bullshit self-improvement courses”
“God alone knows exactly what you and I must endure in order to form His character in us. It is in our trials that God refines us and removes our impurities. Like refined gold, when we pass through our trials, people will see His perfect reflection in us.”