“My favorite Viagra ad, a Spanish-language print ad I saw some years ago, simply shows an image of the distinctive blue pill with the text “Un divorcio menos. Gracias, Pfizer.” (“One less divorce. Thanks, Pfizer.”)”
“Adiós," she added in Spanish, "I have no house only a shadow. But whenever you are in need of a shadow, my shadow is yours.""Thank you.""Sank you.""Not sank you, Señora Gregorio, thank you.""Sank you.”
“Some people go through life adding years to their life ... others go through life adding life to their years.”
“And so...we prayed. And I added a silent prayer of my own, giving God thanks for the blessing of my father.”
“There is nothing less romantic, literary, or lyrical than the language of pathology, diagnosis, symptom checklists. As I read through these checklists over and over again I was struck by the harshness, the crudeness of the terminology. And once the evaluation process began, more and more distinctly unpoetic terms were added to the lists, as the problems quickly grew in scope and seriousness.”
“No matter the disappointment, you simply cannot divorce your favorite team.”