“What rending pains were close at hand! Death! and what a death! worse than any other that is tobe named! Water, be it cold or warm, that which buoys up blue icefields, or which bathes tropicalcoasts with currents of balmy bliss, is yet a gentle conqueror, kisses as it kills, and draws youdown gently through darkening fathoms to its heart. Death at the sword is the festival of trumpetand bugle and banner, with glory ringing out around you and distant hearts thrilling through yours.No gnawing disease can bring such hideous end as this; for that is a fiend bred of your own flesh,and this — is it a fiend, this living lump of appetites? What dread comes with the thought ofperishing in flames! but fire, let it leap and hiss never so hotly, is something too remote, too alien,to inspire us with such loathly horror as a wild beast; if it have a life, that life is too utterly beyondour comprehension. Fire is not half ourselves; as it devours, arouses neither hatred nor disgust; isnot to be known by the strength of our lower natures let loose; does not drip our blood into ourfaces with foaming chaps, nor mouth nor slaver above us with vitality. Let us be ended by fire,and we are ashes, for the winds to bear, the leaves to cover; let us be ended by wild beasts, and thebase, cursed thing howls with us forever through the forest.”

Harriet Prescott Spofford

Harriet Prescott Spofford - “What rending pains were...” 1

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