“You're arguing in a circle," I said. "In a spiral," said Lamiel, "which is the best way to argue.”
“You're English," he said. "And I will therefore make certain allowances for you. I realize you don't understand you shouldn't argue with me, and so I'll explain it to you. Don't argue with me."Incredulous, she said, "That's it? 'Don't argue with me' is your explanation as to why I shouldn't argue with you?”
“You're mine," he said. "You can deny it, argue, throw fits, try to run away. But. You're. Still. Mine."~Dragos”
“I'm sorry," Lucinda said,pressing her hands over her heart. "I don't know what came over me.I've never done anything like that..."Daniel wasn't going to argue with her now,though she'd slapped him so many times over the years that Arriane kept a tally in a little spiral notebook marked You're Fresh.”
“You're insane!""I won't argue that point.”
“You couldn't be more wrong," I said. "You are buying into the cross-stitched sentiments of your parents' throw pillows. You're arguing that the fragile, rare thing is beautiful simply because it is fragile and rare. But that's a lie, and you know it.""You're a hard person to comfort," Augustus said."Easy comfort isn't comforting," I said.”