“I add things, cross them off, then add a whole other bunch and cross them off, too.”
“I'm just looking for someone," I hedge."Aren't we all?" Infinite Darlene vamps ruefully. I think I'm off the hook, but then she adds,"Is it someone special?""It's nothing," I say, crossing my fingers. I pray that it's not nothing.”
“I crossed my arms on my stomach. A psychologist would have said I was closed off, uncommunicative. Fuck them.”
“Liza took her time sipping her tea. “That’s what I hear Janet. Of course, living it up can take years off your life and add them to your face.”
“Get off the cross, we need the wood.”
“All have dreams, live for them, They add meaning to LIFE.The only thing that differentiates us from other beings is the fact that us can DREAM!!!”